Women’s Study Groups for Fall 2018

Introduction to Inductive Bible Study – day group starting September 6 and evening group starting September 10

Our Precepts teachers are offering a 5-week study called Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days.  This short-term class is open to all women who want to learn more about Inductive Bible Study where God Himself becomes the teacher (Psalm 119:102).  Learn how to study Scripture and specifically mark the text to unlock its meaning.  This is a very practical, hands-on, learn-by-doing book.  Students need only a pen, a few colored pencils…and a prayerful heart to complete each study and experience the Bible’s life-changing power. Both groups meet weekly at the church. Day group is Thursdays (Sep 6 – Oct 4) from 1:00-3:00pm, and the evening group is Mondays (Sep 10 – Oct 8) from 7:00-8:30pm.  Contact for day group is Lisa Miller (816-813-1236, lisam0724@gmail.com)and evening group is Carol Bryan (314-277-5619, bryancarolann@yahoo.com).  Cost for the book is $11 and sign-up is requested by Aug 31.


Women’s Wednesday Morning Gathering – starting September 12

This group meets Wednesday mornings twice a month from 9:30-11:30am in various homes for an intimate time of study, prayer and relationship building.  The group is aimed at those wanting more frequent study/fellowship and those who are able to commit to most of the gatherings.  We will be studying the bookIdols of the Heartwhich explores how in our hearts we’re all idol-worshippers who put our loves, desires, and expectations in God’s place—and then suffer the consequences of our misplaced affections.  Yet we will see that God loves his people and can use even our messy lives and struggles for his glory.  Our initial interest gathering is Sept 12 in the home of Melissa Cable.  RSVPs for this info gathering are encouraged. Contact Melissa Cable (314-518-0337, melissapcable@gmail.com) with questions or to RSVP.

Bible Study Fellowship – starting September 13

GEPC hosts the Northland Kansas City BSF class for women on Thursday each week from 9:40-11:30am.  This year’s study People of the Promised Land 1will cover Joshua, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1-11 and overviews of Psalms and Proverbs.  There is a study, lecture, and small group time.  BSF also has an amazing children’s program and welcomes little ones starting at birth, including grandkids.  Please contact Cheryl Sanders (cheryl.j.sanders@sbcglobal.net)for registration information.


Martha Circle – starting September 18

The Martha Circle meets the 3rdTuesday of each month from 7-9pm in rotating homes.  Pam Parker will be leading the group through a study on Finding Jesus in the Old Testament.  No homework required and no commitment necessary – come the months you are able to enjoy prayer, fellowship & study.  Contact Linda Reeve (816-550-9128)with any questions.

Morning Circle – starting September 18

The Morning Circle meets the 3rdTuesday of each month from 9:30-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall.  Linda VanDerWeele is continuing to lead the group through a study of the Ten Commandments.  New members are welcome, and no long-term commitment is required – come study, pray and fellowship with us on the months when you can.  Contact Cindy Harris (816-419-2650)with any questions.


Thursday Nights – starting September 20

This group meets weekly on Thursdays from 7-9pm in the Chapel.  Pam Parker will be leading the group through a study on Finding Jesus in the Old Testament. No homework during the week, but come ready to dig deep into scripture together, with the option to memorize a weekly verse.  Our group does three weeks of study and one week of social each month.  Childcare is not currently offered, but please contact Heather Lorenzetti (816-835-2812, hjlorenzetti@gmail.com)if that’s a need.  Join us Sept 20 for an interest night, and then we’ll officially kick off the study Sept 27.


Precepts Study – day group starting October 11 and NEW evening group starting October 15

Our Precepts groups meet weekly at the church, and participants are asked to commit to consistent attendance.  This is an in-depth study with homework each week. A 9-week study will begin in October on Philippians – How to Have Joy. How do I live the Christian life joyfully regardless of people or circumstances?  What is the purpose of suffering and the Christian perspective on death?  Do I have “the mind of Christ”?  Discover true, deep-down joy in your life that the world cannot take away!  Day group meets Thursdays from 1:00-3:00pm with an optional video from 3:00-4:00pm, and contact is Lisa Miller (816-813-1236, lisam0724@gmail.com). Our new evening group meets Mondays from 7:00-8:30pm, and contact is Carol Bryan (314-277-5619, bryancarolann@yahoo.com).  Cost for materials is $25 and sign-up is requested by Sept 20.