The heart behind our Offering is to honor God, who is Lord over all that we receive. Our time, testimony, treasure, and talents are gifts from Him that we are called to use, give, and share to honor and glorify Him. For those who choose to give their Offering electronically, Gashland EPC provides an online Offering option. You can click on the button below to give online. In light of that, we want to encourage you to reflect upon those gifts during worship. Please place the communications card into the offering plate as a symbolic act of worshipping God through your Offering on Sunday morning.
Who is It For?
While anyone wishing to give can utilize this online tool, we recognize there is a specific group of people within the church that handles most of their resources online and rarely use hand written checks. We believe online giving will help meet the needs of these individuals.
How Does This Fit Within Worship?
Simply stated, giving is a part of worship. Our offering is a key component of Sunday morning worship. While we wish to make online giving available to you, we also want to encourage you to consider your online gifts on Sunday morning during the time of offering in the worship service. As such, we encourage you to place the “Online Offering” card in the plate on Sunday morning as an act of worship. This gives you the opportunity to reflect upon the worship component of your giving.
Are There Costs Associated with Online Giving?
Our leadership wants you to know the details of this form of online giving. We have chosen to use PayPal because it has the lowest administrative costs of the services we evaluated. That being said, we want to make you aware that PayPal charges the church a fee for your gifts. This fee includes 2.2% of your gift as well as $0.30 per transaction. This is a fee you will not see, but is charged to the church. As this is part of your offering, we want to make sure you are aware of these fees. If you would like to give electronically, but avoid these costs, please read the answer to the next question.
Is There A Way to Avoid These Costs?
If you wish to avoid these costs but still give electronically you may want to consider the following. If you Contact Us HERE and we can send you an email that gives you information on how to set up giving directly from your financial institution. While initially this may not be as convenient as PayPal, it most often avoids the types of costs described above.