
Please join us for the many events going on during Holy Week, as we remember the promise of God to deal with the problem of death in our world and celebrate His keeping that promise.  Here is the calendar of events:

  • March 28th, 6pm Maundy Thursday Meal and Teaching, Ministry Center
  • March 29th, 7pm Good Friday Worship Service, Sanctuary
  • March 30th, 10am Easter Egg Hunt
  • March 31st, 8:30am & 11am Sunday Morning Services

Here is a description of our different services: 

March 28th, 6pm Maundy Thursday Meal and Teaching, Ministry Center

Join us at 6:00 in the Ministry Center for a special meal and reflection upon Jesus’ last supper with his disciples.  We will have a short teaching time, followed by a brief table discussion of this event in the life of Christ.  We will also receive the Lord’s Supper.  Childcare: Nursery provided for infants through 3 years old.  Children’s activities for those 4 years old through 2nd grade.

March 29th, 7pm Good Friday Worship Service, Sanctuary

Join us at 7:00 in the Sanctuary for a special worship service as we worship God through song and through reflecting upon the death and burial of Jesus.  This important event in the life of Christ is the turning point of all of human history as we wait to see if there is one who can save us from death.  Childcare: Nursery provided for infants through 4 years old.

March 31st, 8:30 in the Sanctuary and 11:00 in the Ministry Center

Join us for a time of worship and celebration as we see that there is a Redeemer, one who can save us from judgment, death and the grave.  This special worship service is an opportunity to come together and honor God for the wonderful work He has done.  Childcare: Nursery for infants through 3 years old and children’s church during second service sermon for 4 years old through 1st grade.