Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Section 1: How are you Energized1. I am more comfortable...* 1 Doing things for people 2 3 4 5 Being with people 2. When doing a task, I tend to...* 1 Focus on the goal 2 3 4 5 Focus on relationships 3. I get more excited about...* 1 Advancing a cause 2 3 4 5 Creating community 4. I feel I have accomplished something when I've..* 1 Completed the job 2 3 4 5 Built a relationship 5. It is more important to start a meeting...* 1 On time 2 3 4 5 When everyone gets there 6. I am more concerned with...* 1 Meeting the deadline 2 3 4 5 Maintaining the team 7. I place higher value on...* 1 Action 2 3 4 5 Communication Section 2: How are you Organized8. In life, I generally prefer to...* 1 Be spontaneous 2 3 4 5 Follow a set plan 9. I prefer to set guidlines that are...* 1 General 2 3 4 5 Specific 10. I prefer to...* 1 Leave my options open 2 3 4 5 Settle things now 11. I prefer projects that have...* 1 Variety 2 3 4 5 Routine 12. I like to...* 1 Play it by ear 2 3 4 5 Stick to a plan 13. I find routine...* 1 Boring 2 3 4 5 Restful 14. I place higher value on...* 1 By working it out as I go 2 3 4 5 By following a plan HiddenPeople Oriented vs. Task OrientedHiddenStructured Vs. Unstructured When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: HIGHLY TASK DRIVEN..When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: MODERATLY TASK DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY TASK DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY TASK DRIVEN & SLIGHTLY PEOPLE DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY PEOPLE DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: MODERATELY PEOPLE DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: HIGHLY PEOPLE DRIVEN.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: HIGHLY UNSTRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: MODERATELY UNSTRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY UNSTRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY UNSTRUCTURD & SLIGHTLY STRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: SLIGHTLY STRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: MODERATELY STRUCTURED.When looking at "How are you Energized" we want to help you discover if you are energized by working with people or by completing task. Three truths about Personal Style: Personal style is God given. There is no right or wrong Personal Style. Personal Styles are just different. Personal Style answers the question: "How can I best serve?" According to the way you answered this tool, you are: HIGHLY STRUCTURED.Please click submit when you are finished reviewing your results.