Gashland Presbyterian Church is looking into an electronic giving process that will allow its members , guests and friends a way to serve God through their tithes and offerings in a convenient, efficient, and secure way through our financial relationship with Commerce Bank . Here are a few things you should know:
- Automatic Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. It has been used by many institutions for years because it is quick, secure and easy to accomplish, and saves money and time for all involved.
- Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the electronic exchange/transfer of money from one account to another.
- Electronic giving through the portal will allow you the freedom to transfer funds to the Church any time you want and however often you want to. You are in complete control of this secure process.
- The portal will allow for your normal tithes and offerings and also allow for spontaneous gifts, purchase of event tickets, memorial fund donations and basically any sort of financial transaction you or visitors would like to make.
- The electronic giving process will save you time and energy once it is set up, and will bypass our current manual counting process, and allow for a more efficient and secure process in posting your gifts to the Church and your individual account.
Please take a moment to complete this short questionnaire so that we may see what interest there is in this new process.
Thank you for your help.
GPC Financial Team