Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | January 5, 2016

Connect Student Ministry

Hi Parents! Happy New Years!

I have three important notes to begin with:

First, I wanted to mention that there is no Conversations this Wednesday (1/6). We will be starting up the following week on 1/13.

Second, the High School Lock-In is this week (Friday and Saturday). We will be playing laser tag among other games. However, because we are playing laser tag I do need every student to bring a waiver signed by their parents. If you have not already turned one in, please send me an email at Michael@gashland.org and I will send you an electronic copy of the waiver. Then you can sign it and have your student bring it with them on Friday night. I will also bring extra copies on Friday, so if you wish you can sign the waiver when you drop your student off on Friday as well.

Thirdly, I still need a couple more volunteers to help with the secret shopper scavenger hunt on 1/23. So if you are willing to be a “Secret Shopper” please let me know! (All this consists of being willing to put on a disguise of some form or fashion and walk around the mall for an hour. You can pick the disguise! And it does not have to be elaborate or creative although I’m all for being as creative as you can get! You can even come as yourself if you wish with little or no disguise).


  • No Connect on 12/30
  • High School Lock-in on Friday (1/8) – Saturday (1/9). See details below for more information!
  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 1/10, we will have our weekly High School Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 1/10, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 1/13, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 1/17, we will have our weekly High School Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 1/17, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • High School Lock-In:
    • When: Friday (1/8)– Saturday (1/9)
    • Start Time on Friday: 6:30pm
    • Pick Up Time on Saturday: 9:30am
    • Where: Church
    • What: We will be playing all kinds of games including laser tag.
    • What to bring:
      • A signed waiver in order to play laser tag.
      • Bring some snacks and drinks to share!
      • Tennis shoes, sleeping bag, pillow, tooth brush, clothes to run around and play games in.
    • Other Important Details:
      • Eat dinner before you come! We will just be having snacks! OR bring some money if you would like to order a pizza or something.
      • Can’t stay for the whole time? Or have to come late? No problem! Please feel free to pick your student up early or drop them off late. Just let me know!
  • Scavenger Hunt:
    • The Scavenger Hunt will look a little differently this year. We will be having a secret shopper scavenger hunt at Oak Park Mall on 1/23/16 where the goal of the scavenger hunt is to find people (“Secret shoppers”) and not things. I will need some parents to be “Secret shoppers” that students will have to find. Please let me know if you would be willing to help in this way! Thanks so much!
    • We will leave at 3pm sharp from the church in a caravan and drive to Oak Park Mall. So please arrive at the church at 2:45pm so we can be leaving the church right at 3pm. We will start the scavenger hunt around 3:45-4:00pm. The Scavenger hunt will last an hour. Then we will eat dinner in the food court. So please bring some extra money to buy a meal! Don’t let money be a hindrance to your student coming! The church will gladly provide a meal for any student who is in need. We will be back at the church around 6:45pm.


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: We are currently in a series called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This winter we will be starting Part II of this study, God the Redeemer, which will cover Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This Sunday we will be taking a look at Exodus 32 and idolatry.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School is going through the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at how God hears his people in Exodus 2-3.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | December 22, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Merry Christmas! Here is the weekly update!

I am still in need of some help for the scavenger hunt coming up on January 23rd. If you are interested in helping me chaperone student groups at the scavenger hunt or interested in being “a secret shopper” (See below for more details on what this entails) please let me know! Thanks so much!


  • No Connect on 12/23
  • No High School Bible Study on 12/27 due to Christmas
  • No Middle School Afterburner on 12/27 due to Christmas
  • Christmas Eve Service
    • There will be two Christmas Eve Services. They will be at 5:30pm and 7:00pm in the sanctuary.


  • No Connect on 12/30
  • No High School Bible Study on 1/3 due to the Holiday Weekend
  • No Middle School Afterburner on 1/3 due to the Holiday Weekend


  • High School Lock-In
    • The High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!
  • Scavenger Hunt:
    • The Scavenger Hunt will look a little differently this year. We will be having a secret shopper scavenger hunt at Oak Park Mall on 1/23/16 where the goal of the scavenger hunt is to find people (“Secret shoppers”) instead of things. More details to come later! I will need some parents to help chaperone groups of students or to be “Secret shoppers” that students will have to find. Please let me know if you would be willing to help in any way! Thanks so much!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This winter we will be starting Part II of this study, God the Redeemer, which will cover Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This Sunday we will be taking a look at Exodus 14 and the Exodus.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School is going through the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 37-39 and Joseph Part I.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | December 15, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good afternoon parents! I hope you are having a good week so far! The annual scavenger hunt is coming up on January 23. It will look a little differently this year (see details below) and I will need some help to pull it off! If you are interested in helping me chaperone student groups at the scavenger hunt or interested in being “a secret shopper” (See below for more details on what this entails) please let me know! Thanks so much!


  • Conversations/Connect: This Wednesday, 12/16, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • Middle School Christmas Party!!!!
    • This Sunday night 12/20 we will be having a Christmas Party instead of our regular afterburner. The Christmas party will go from 4pm to 6pm. Please see below for more details!
  • High School Christmas Party!!!
    • Next Sunday night 12/20 we will be having a Christmas Party instead of our regular High School Bible Study. The Christmas party will go from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please see below for more details!
  • Middle School Afterburner REPLACED BY MS XMAS PARTY: Next Sunday, 12/20, there will be no Middle School Afterburner because we are having a Christmas party instead.
  • High School Bible Study REPLACED BY HS XMAS PARTY: Next Sunday night, 12/20 there will be no High School Bible Study as we will be having our High School Christmas party instead.


  • No Connect on 12/23 due to Christmas
  • No High School Bible Study on 12/27 due to Christmas
  • No Middle School Afterburner on 12/27 due to Christmas
  • Christmas Eve Service
    • There will be two Christmas Eve Services. They will be at 5:30pm and 7:00pm in the sanctuary.


  • Middle School Christmas Party:
    • Where: The Church (Chapel and Ministry Center)
    • When: 4:00pm to 6:00pm on Sunday 12/20
    • What: We will be having a Middle School Christmas party full of games, music, food, and a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
    • What to Bring:
      • Wear active clothes to play games in.
      • Bring your favorite Holiday treat (cookies, snacks…) if you would like
      • Bring a white elephant gift to exchange (Buying a gift is NOT necessary! Feel free to bring something from your house! If you do buy a gift please $10 or less! Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you want. Please don’t let money be an obstacle either from your child participating. I will have some extra gifts, so that everyone can play even if you cannot bring a gift!)
  • High School Christmas Party:
    • Where: The Church (Chapel and Ministry Center)
    • When: 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Sunday 12/20
    • What: We will be having a High School Christmas party full of games, music, food, and a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
    • What to Bring:
      • Wear active clothes to play games in.
      • Bring your favorite Holiday treat (cookies, snacks…) if you would like
      • Bring a white elephant gift to exchange (Buying a gift is NOT necessary! Feel free to bring something from your house! If you do buy a gift please $10 or less! Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you want. Please don’t let money be an obstacle either from your child participating. I will have some extra gifts, so that everyone can play even if you cannot bring a gift!)
  • High School Lock-In:
    • The High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!
  • Scavenger Hunt:
    • The Scavenger Hunt will look a little differently this year. We will be having a secret shopper scavenger hunt at Oak Park Mall on 1/23/16 where the goal of the scavenger hunt is to find people (“Secret shoppers”) and not things. More details to come later! I will need some parents to help chaperone groups of students or to be “Secret shoppers” that students will have to find. Please let me know if you would be willing to help in any way! Thanks so much!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This winter we will be starting Part II of this study, God the Redeemer, which will cover Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This Sunday we will be taking a look at Exodus 12 and the Passover.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School is going through the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 32 and Jacob wrestling God.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will be taking a look at the heart of Jesus and why he became man in John 1 and Matthew 1.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | December 11, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good Morning Parents! I hope this email finds you well! Here is the weekly update!


  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 12/13, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 12/6, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 12/16, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • Middle School Christmas Party!!!
    • Next Sunday night 12/20 we will be having a Christmas Party instead of our regular Middle School afterburner. The Christmas party will go from 4pm to 6pm. Please see below for more details!
  • High School Christmas Party!!!
    • Next Sunday night 12/20 we will be having a Christmas Party instead of our regular High School Bible Study. The Christmas party will go from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please see below for more details!
  • Middle School Afterburner REPLACED BY MS XMAS PARTY: Next Sunday, 12/20, there will be no Middle School Afterburner because we are having a Christmas party instead.
  • High School Bible Study REPLACED BY HS XMAS PARTY: Next Sunday night, 12/20 there will be no High School Bible Study as we will be having our High School Christmas party instead.


  • Middle School Christmas Party:
    • Where: The Church
    • When: 4:00pm to 6:00pm on Sunday 12/20
    • What: We will be having a Middle School Christmas party full of games, music, food, and a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
    • What to Bring:
      • Wear active clothes to play games in.
      • Bring your favorite Holiday treat (cookies, snacks…) if you would like
      • Bring a white elephant gift to exchange ($10 or less please! Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you want. Please don’t let money be an obstacle either from your child participating. I will have some extra gifts, so that everyone can play even if you cannot bring a gift!)
  • High School Christmas Party:
    • Where: The Church
    • When: 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Sunday 12/20
    • What: We will be having a High School Christmas party full of games, music, food, and a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
    • What to Bring:
      • Wear active clothes to play games in.
      • Bring your favorite Holiday treat (cookies, snacks…) if you would like
      • Bring a white elephant gift to exchange ($10 or less please! Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you want. Please don’t let money be an obstacle either from your child participating. I will have some extra gifts, so that everyone can play even if you cannot bring a gift!)
  • High School Lock-In has been rescheduled:
      • Due to the upcoming holidays, the High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!
  • Scavenger Hunt:
    • The Scavenger Hunt will look a little differently this year. We will be having a secret shopper scavenger hunt at Oak Park Mall on 1/23/16. More details to come later! I will need some parents to help chaperone groups of students or to be “Secret shoppers” that students will have to find. Please let me know if you would be willing to help in any way! Thanks so much!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This Winter we will be starting Part II of this study, God the Redeemer, which will cover Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This Sunday we will be taking a look at how God hears his people in Exodus 2 & 3.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School is going through the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 27 and Jacob and Esau Part II.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will be taking a look at John 1 and Matthew 1 and the heart of Jesus and why he became man.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | December 1, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good Morning Parents! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Next week, the weekly email will not be sent out until Friday as I will be on vacation for part of this week and the next. However, all the details for the next two weeks are listed below so this should be sufficient until then. Here is the weekly update:


  • Conversations/Connect: This Wednesday, 12/2, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions. This week Wes Langford will be filling in for me as I will be on vacation.
  • No High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 12/6, we will not have our weekly high school Bible Study as I will be gone on vacation.
  • No Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 12/6 there will be no MS afterburner as I will be gone on vacation.
  • High School Girls Decorating Party at Arcie’s:
    • On December 5th at 11:00am. Please see below for more details!


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 12/9, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions. This week Wes Langford will be filling in for me as I will be on vacation.
  • High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 12/13, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 12/6, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • High School Girls Decorating Party at Arcie’s:
    • On December 5th at 11am the High School Girls are invited over to Arcie McCue’s to help her decorate for Christmas! There will be cookies and pizza provided! Her address is 3728 NE 46th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64117.
  • Middle School Christmas Party:
    • There will be a middle school Christmas party 12/20 from 4pm-6pm. More details to come later!
  • High School Christmas Party:
    • There will be a high school Christmas party on 12/20 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. More details to come later!
  • High School Lock-In has been rescheduled:
    • Due to the upcoming holidays, the High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This Winter we will be starting Part II of this study, God the Redeemer, which will cover Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This Sunday we will be taking a look at how God hears his people in Exodus 2 & 3.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School is going through the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 27 and Jacob and Esau Part II.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will be taking a look at Nicodemus and John 3.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | November 24, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good morning parents! Here is the weekly update. Please note that we have a lot of changes in our regular schedule due to Thanksgiving this week. Also please note that the flag football was moved to Sunday November 29 and that the joint high school and middle school afterburner was canceled for this week. Check out below for more details!


  • No Conversations/Connect: There will be no conversations or connect on 11/25 due to Thanksgiving.
  • No High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 11/29 we will NOT have our weekly high school Bible study due to the holiday weekend. However, for students who are in town we will have a flag football game on Sunday.
  • No High School and Middle School Afterburner: Although this Sunday, 11/29, between 5pm-6:30pm we were originally planning on having a joint High School and Middle School afterburner, it has been canceled due to the flag football game being rescheduled to Sunday. So there will be NO high school and Middle School afterburner in the gym this week.
  • High School and Middle School Flag Football: Parents, I have had to reschedule the flag football and move it to Sunday because I have a funeral to officiate on Saturday. Because of this rescheduling, I canceled the High School and Middle School afterburner that was going to take place on Sunday so that we could play football instead. See below for more details on the High School and Middle School Flag Football Game


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 12/2, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions. This week Wes Langford will be filling in for me as I will be on vacation.
  • No High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 12/6, we will not have our weekly high school Bible Study as I will be gone on vacation.
  • No Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 12/6 there will be no MS afterburner as I will be gone on vacation.


  • High School and Middle School Flag Football:
    • The High School Flag football game has been moved to Sunday November 29th from 2pm-4pm. We will play flag football at Oak Grove Park. Parents are encouraged to come join the fun if they would like to play as well!
  • High School Girls Decorating Party at Arcie’s:
    • On December 5th at 11am the High School Girls are invited over to Arcie McCue’s to help her decorate for Christmas! There will be cookies and pizza provided! Her address is 3728 NE 46th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64117.
  • Middle School Christmas Party:
    • There will be a middle school Christmas party 12/20 from 4pm-6pm. More details to come later!
  • High School Christmas Party:
    • There will be a high school Christmas party on 12/20 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. More details to come later!
  • High School Lock-In has been rescheduled:
    • Due to the upcoming holidays, the High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This fall will be Part I of this series. It will cover the book of Genesis and why the beginning is critically important to understanding the greatest story ever told. This week will be our last week in Genesis as we take a look at Joseph Part II.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School will also be starting the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 27 and Jacob and Esau Part II.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will not have connect due to the Thanksgiving.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | November 17, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good Evening Parents!

Here is the weekly update:


  • GEPC Family Thanksgiving Dinner: Join the GEPC family, Wednesday, November 18th at 6:00 pm, for a special evening to feast, fellowship and give thanks. Our Conversations meal team will prepare an amazing menu of turkey and traditional holiday dishes. Each family is asked to bring a dessert. Nursery will be available and there will be a craft time class for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade after dinner. The High School and Middle School will stay and enjoy our special thanksgiving conversations with the adults.
  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 11/22, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 11/22, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • No Conversations/Connect: There will be no conversations or connect on 11/25 due to Thanksgiving.
  • No High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 11/29 we will not have our weekly high school Bible study due to the holiday weekend. However, for students who are in town we will have a joint high school and middle school afterburner. See details below.
  • High School and Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 11/29, between 5pm-6:30pm we will have a joint High School and Middle School afterburner where we will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • High School and Middle School Flag Football: Saturday 11/28. See details below!


  • High School and Middle School Flag Football:
    • On Saturday November 28th from 2pm-4pm we will play flag football at Oak Grove Park. Parents are encouraged to come join the fun if they would like to play as well!
  • High School Lock-In has been rescheduled:
    • Due to the upcoming holidays, the High School Lock-In has been rescheduled for 1/8-1/9. More details to come later!
  • Middle School Christmas Party: There will be a middle school Christmas party 12/20 from 4pm-6pm. More details to come later!
  • High School Christmas Party: There will be a high school Christmas party on 12/20 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. More details to come later!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This fall will be Part I of this series. It will cover the book of Genesis and why the beginning is critically important to understanding the greatest story ever told. This week we will take a look at Genesis 37 & 39 and Joseph’s hardship.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School will also be starting the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 25 and Jacob and Esau.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will not have regular connect due to the Thanksgiving dinner.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

Assistant Pastor of Family Life



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | November 10, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Hi Parents,

I hope you all are having a great start to your week! Here is the weekly update:


  • Ordination Service: This Wednesday, 11/11, we will not have our regular time of conversations/connect as there will be a special worship service where I will officially be installed as Assistant Pastor of Family Life. We will still begin with a meal at 6:00pm. This will be followed by a worship/installation service and then a dessert reception after the service. It would be a great joy and blessing to have you all there!
  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 11/15, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 11/15, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • Middle School Movie Night: This Saturday, 11/14, there will be a Middle School Movie Night at the Wilson’s house. See below for more details!


  • GEPC Family Thanksgiving Dinner: Join the GEPC family, Wednesday, November 18th at 6:00 pm, for a special evening to feast, fellowship and give thanks. Our Conversations meal team will prepare an amazing menu of turkey and traditional holiday dishes. Each family is asked to bring a dessert. Nursery will be available and there will be a craft time class for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade after dinner. Older kids and youth are encouraged to stay and enjoy our special thanksgiving conversations.
  • High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 11/22, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 11/22, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.


  • Middle School Movie Night:
    • Join us at Ron & Ruth Wilson’s for fun, food, and a great movie on Saturday November 14th from 6:45pm to 9:45pm! Bring a bean bag or pillow and maybe a warm throw; curl up in front of the fireplace for an evening of food, fun and mystery. Be sure to bring a warm jacket and good shoes as we will take a walk in the forest afterwards to hunt for “wookalars.” The Wilson’s address is 13270 Timber Park Terrace, Platte City, MO. Ruth will be baking her famous chocolate chip cookies, but feel free to bring juice, pop, or other goodies to share!
  • High School and Middle School Flag Football: November 28. More details to come later!
  • High School Lock-In is in the process of being rescheduled: More information to come soon about this!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This fall will be Part I of this series. It will cover the book of Genesis and why the beginning is critically important to understanding the greatest story ever told. This week we will take a look at Genesis 32 and Jacob’s new name.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School will also be starting the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 22 and the testing of Abraham.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School are going through a series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will not have regular connect due to the ordination service.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | November 3, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Good morning parents! Here is the weekly update:


  • Conversations/Connect: This Wednesday, 11/4, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 11/8, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 11/8, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • High School Lock-In: The High School Lock-In is this week! I wanted to let you know that I have given a waiver to all the high school students to have their parents sign. This is because we will be playing laser tag in the church. So if students would like to play, then they need to have the waiver signed. Thanks! Check out below for more details!


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 11/11, we will not have our regular time of conversations/connect as there will be a special worship service where I will officially be installed as Assistant Pastor of Family Life. We will still begin with a meal at 6:00pm. This will be followed by a worship/installation service and then a dessert reception after the service.
  • High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 11/15, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 11/15, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • Middle School Movie Night: Next Saturday, 11/14, there will be a Middle School Movie Night at the Wilson’s house. See below for more details!


  • High School Lock-In:
    • When: Friday (11/6)– Saturday (11/7)
    • Start Time on Friday: 6:30pm
    • Pick Up Time on Saturday: 9:30-10:00am
    • Where: Church
    • What: We will be playing all kinds of games including laser tag.
    • What to bring:
      • A signed waiver in order to play laser tag.
      • Bring some snacks and drinks to share!
      • Tennis shoes, sleeping bag, pillow, tooth brush, clothes to run around and play games in.
    • Other Important Details:
      • Eat dinner before you come! We will just be having snacks! OR bring some money if you would like to order a pizza or something.
      • Can’t stay for the whole time? Or have to come late? No problem! Please feel free to pick your student up early or drop them off late. Just let me know!
  • Middle School Movie Night:
    • Join us at Ron & Ruth Wilson’s for fun, food, and a great movie on Saturday November 14th from 6:45pm to 9:45pm! Bring a bean bag or pillow and maybe a warm throw; curl up in front of the fireplace for an evening of food, fun and mystery. Be sure to bring a warm jacket and good shoes as we will take a walk in the forest afterwards to hunt for “wookalars.” The Wilson’s address is 13270 Timber Park Terrace, Platte City, MO. Ruth will be baking her famous chocolate chip cookies, but feel free to bring juice, pop, or other goodies to share!
  • High School and Middle School Flag Football: November 28. More details to come later!


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This fall will be Part I of this series. It will cover the book of Genesis and why the beginning is critically important to understanding the greatest story ever told. This week we will take a look at Genesis 27 and Jacob and Esau.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School will also be starting the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 12 and the Covenant with Abraham.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School will be starting a new series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will learn how to build bridges to the gospel by taking a look at Acts 17.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield



Weekly Update | GEPC Student Ministries | October 27, 2015

Connect Student Ministry

Hi Parents! I hope the start to your week has been going well! Here is the weekly update:


  • Conversations/Connect: This Wednesday, 10/28, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • High School Bible Study: This Sunday night, 11/1, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: This Sunday, 11/1, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • Trunk or Treat: Trunk or Treat is this week!! Please see details below for more information!


  • Conversations/Connect: Next Wednesday, 11/4, Middle School and High School will have Connect immediately following the all-church dinner! Middle School and High School will both meet in the Chapel for a time of teaching. Then the Middle School and High school will break off for some small group discussions.
  • High School Bible Study: Next Sunday night, 11/8, we will have our weekly high school Bible Study that Lacey and I are co-hosting for any High School Student who is interested from 7:00-8:30pm in our home (8536 N. Virginia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64155). We are going through the book of Galatians for this study.
  • Middle School Afterburner: Next Sunday, 11/8, between 5pm-6:30pm Middle School will get together in the Ministry Center to play some games and have a short devotional.
  • High School Lock-In: The High School Lock-In is next week! Check out below for more details!


  • Trunk or Treat: Trunk or Treat is THIS WEEK! It is Saturday October 31st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This is an amazing event to share the love of Christ with our community. Please help in any way you can! You can donate candy, you can decorate a trunk, or you can come and help serve! I am really encouraging all the middle school and high school students to participate if they can or even better come serve as a family! If you want to help please let me know!
  • High School Lock-In:
    • When: Friday (11/6)– Saturday (11/7)
    • Start Time on Friday: 6:30pm
    • Pick Up Time on Saturday: 9:30-10:00am
    • Where: Church
    • What to bring:
      • Bring some snacks and drinks to share!
      • Tennis shoes, sleeping bag, pillow, tooth brush, clothes to run around and play games in.
    • Other Important Details:
      • Eat dinner before you come! We will just be having snacks! OR bring some money if you would like to order a pizza or something.
      • Can’t stay for the whole time? Or have to come late? No problem! Please feel free to pick your student up early or drop them off late. Just let me know!
    • High School and Middle School Flag Football: November 28th


It is my desire to be a resource to you in any way that I can. I believe an important part of family ministry is my partnership with parents. I want to help keep you in the loop on not only what is going on, but also what is being taught. This will give you an opportunity to better engage with your students about what they are learning and how they are learning to apply God’s Word to their lives.

  • High School Sunday School: This fall we are starting a new series that is called: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. One of the goals of this series is to help students realize that the Bible is not a random and disjointed collection of stories, but rather from the beginning to the end it tells a single and unified story of God’s Gospel. This fall will be Part I of this series. It will cover the book of Genesis and why the beginning is critically important to understanding the greatest story ever told. This week we will take a look at Genesis 22 and the Testing of Abraham.
  • Middle School Sunday School: The Middle School will also be starting the same series as the High School on Sunday Mornings: The Greatest Story Ever Told: A Journey from Genesis to Revelation. This week they will be taking a look at Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel.
  • Connect: For Connect the High School and Middle School will be starting a new series on Wednesday nights called “The Heart of Jesus.” It is no mystery that we live in a fallen, broken, and unbelieving world. Students are daily confronted with temptations that seek to steal their heart away from Jesus, confronted with hostility that seeks to dismiss the truth of the gospel, and confronted with social pressures to deny Jesus and conform to the lifestyle of the world. How are we as Christians to engage this unbelieving world with the love and truth of the gospel? This fall series will take a look at the life and ministry of Jesus to help equip students with a biblical understanding of how Jesus did evangelism and how he engaged culture in the love and truth of the gospel. It will also help students learn how to practically share their faith and live out their faith in this fallen and broken world. This Wednesday night we will take a look at Luke 15 and the Two Lost Sons.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!


Michael Morefield

