Chili Cook-Off!
Sign Up to enter our Chili Cook-Off! Judges will taste your delicious chili variations to see which ones come out on top! Let us know you’ll be entering the contest when you register your family! You can register online using the form below or at the table on Sunday.
Lego Competition
Build something amazing in the Lego competition! Fun prizes will be awarded for several categories. Let us know how many children and students will be participating from your family when you register! You can register online using the form below or at the table on Sunday.
Talent Show
Anyone from our Gashland family is welcome to attend and/or audition for the talent show! Auditions will be Wednesday, February 17th, at 8:00 pm in the Chapel. If you have any questions please contact Michael Morefield or Rachael Adams.
Please register for the Talent Show Auditions individually from the family registrations online using the form below or at the information table on Sunday.